Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Why are some people such assholes?

Let me start this post off by saying there's nothing that irritates me more than when I greet someone only to be met with stony silence.

So tonight I was closing with Neko, one of our assistance managers. I love working with Neko, she is so badass. I don't know what it was about tonight but we just had the most wonderful customers. First we had this regular who comes in every now and then with his daughter. He's nice enough but he constantly talks about whatever PC beta he's in at the moment. Tonight it was WOW and the Final Fantasy XIV betas. There's something kind of off about him and he creeps me out a little bit. Neko started doing a CAT count so it was up to me to ring people up. Now most people stand by Register 1 since it's the closest to the door. It's also the only register with a bluetooth scanner thing so of course Neko was using it and I'd have to tell people, "Oh I'll help you down here". And most people who are not rude assholes will just walk two steps and come to register 2.

Well we had this one guy who not only interrupted Neko during her count to have her throw his Burger King away instead of throwing it away outside, but when I asked him to move down he goes, "I guess I HAVE TO MOVE" in this tone like I was asking for his kidney. It's like yes, if you want your game you'll move your ass. Then of course he insisted on giving me exact change even after the register had opened. Whatever, we deal with these kinds of people every day.

Then these two girls came in. I greeted them with a loud and friendly hello. They gave me a cold stare and ignored me entirely. Like I said earlier, nothing pisses me off more so I turned to Neko and rolled my eyes. The two girls were just standing at the register holding out some games, without saying a word. I ask them what I can help them with and it turns out they are doing a trade. For cash. Did I mention one of them must have been eight months pregnant (at least). As I'm processing their trade this other guy comes in and starts talking about our remodel and how we must have used the profits off Halo: Reach to pay for a new remodel. Neko and I looked at each and tried not to burst out laughing. I finish up the girls' trades and let them know their four defective PS2 games would net them $7.41. They look at me like I just spit in their face. I stare back until they give in and accept. As I hand them their cash and tell to have a good day they (what else?) ignore me entirely. In a not so quiet voice I mutter, "or be rude and ignore me completely". And as they are about to walk out the door, the pregnant one yells, "WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T LAUGH AT YOUR CUSTOMERS!!"

Wow, I'm so impressed you had the guts to be a complete asshole the entire time and then yell something right as you walk out to make sure I can't respond. Neko and I agreed we both hoped they never came back since they looked ready to shank us.

To be honest, we laugh at our customers all the time but the majority are so oblivious it makes it even funnier. But we never laughed at those girls! We didn't even laugh in their presence, we just looked at each other and smiled. Afterward, Neko told me about the time she was helping a guy with trades and his fiancee came in and just said, "I hope you know you're ugly". WTF, who says that to someone you've never spoken to in your life? Neko's just doing her job (and she is not at all one of those girls who flirts constantly) and this insecure woman feels the need to call her ugly.

And don't even get me started on the two teenage boys who were too embarrassed to answer me when I greeted them and asked how they were doing. I guess they weren't expecting two girls to be working at GameStop.

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