Thursday, October 21, 2010

Contests and Kitties

I received this package the other day.

Hmm what could it be?


Why, it looks like an autographed Castle Crashers King Figure!


Thank you Destructoid. It is lovely :)

and just because...


"What could this be?"

"Hey you! Stop moving!"


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Racism? Not sexy.

I was closing with Sonic the other night when these two dudes came in. Typical geeks but hey there's nothing wrong with that. One of them has a giant beard that looks like it hasn't been shaved in years. The other keeps inserting the fact that he's married into every single sentence. Sonic steers clear of them which should have been the first tip off that there's something majorly wrong about them because Sonic is nice to everyone. I humor them for a bit but after about five minutes I slowly distance myself and start doing busy work until these two other guys came in. They had been in earlier trying to trade in a fat PS2 without a controller. They were pretty funny and had promised to come back with a controller. They came back with a PS1 controller. We (the two of them, Sonic and I, not the two annoying guys from earlier who were STILL here 20 minutes later) are all talking and joking around. The cool dudes leave once the annoying guys start talking about JRPG is the best. Sonic jokingly whispers to me, "We should have asked those guys earlier to punch those two in the face." I nod at him and whisper back knowingly, "they totally would have done it too."

Now we were both totally kidding up until the point where the annoying married one tries to show us (me) a magic "twin towers" trick with a $20 bill. I'm literally completely ignoring him until the bearded one loudly says, "HE'S TRYING TO IMPRESS YOU LOOOOK." I inwardly roll my eyes and glance in his direction, "that's cool" and return to what I was doing. Since I wasn't paying attention all I gathered was that by folding the $20 he somehow made the Twin Towers appear and then fall down. I have no patience for 9/11 jokes. I'm not super patriotic in the slightest but at least have some respect. Apparently Sonic felt the same way because he responded with a feeble, "wow cool"and gave me a look that said: Goddamn I really wish we'd get a big trade right about now. I agree with a nod. THEN it seems married boy wasn't getting the attention he wanted because he goes, "Yeah 9/11 is Christmas to Muslims. It's like a holiday. They love it.

I stand straight up and look at Sonic. Our mouths just drop open slightly. Did we just hear him correctly? Yes. He really said that.

"Yeah you know what? That's not cool. We don't tolerate racism in here buddy." I tell him.
"You guys need to leave now" adds Sonic.

The bearded friend knew a line had been crossed and he grabbed his friend and they left.

Man, they were so lucky our SM Leeroy wasn't in. He would have flipped out on them. He does not care about customer service bullshit. You cross a line and he will let you have it. "Get the fuck out of my store," I can see him now. Oh man *shakes head*

Monday, October 11, 2010


I had this gigantic post written up about my GameStop history and all the people I'd be talking about and I lost all of it.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Check the return policy!

I was working a short shift with Neko Saturday night and it's going pretty well. I'm getting a lot of subs and reserves while Neko was fixing the walls. One lady comes up to me holding a brand new (though opened) Madden 11 for the Wii. She goes off into this complicated story as to why she wants to return it (it doesn't matter why you want to return it, we don't care). I politely explain to her that since the game has been opened, we can't sell it to someone else as new therefore we can't allow a return. I then flip over her receipt and point to the return policy on the back. Again she says she wants to return it. Apparently I've been speaking Chinese without noticing!

So I go over to Neko and explain the situation so she can decide what to do. She tells me to let her return it and give her store credit. Now this is more than fair. We are going to have to sell it as 10% off and we're breaking store policy to do you a favor. We both clearly stated it would be for store credit only. I start doing the return and the lady keeps thanking us to the point of annoyance. Finally I tell she'd be getting back $52.49. She says that's fine andthankyousomuch!!!

Right after the transaction is finalized and I go to hand her the gift card, she looks at it and says, "I wanted to get cash back".

ARE YOU FOREAL??? I resist the urge to roll my eyes and state we can only do store credit and we're not even supposed to let her return it period. Again, "I want cash." I finally lose my cool a bit and I just state, "We cannot do cash."

She snatches the receipt and the game out of my hand and says, "Well I'm just going to call someone else" and promptly marches out of the store. I then have the pleasure of post voiding the transaction which hurts my percentages.

I don't understand, was she a total idiot? Or was she trying to play us? Honestly it could be either.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

New games...

I've just added:

to my game collection.

And I checked out:

so we will see how it is.

I've also been playing the beta for:

Friday, October 1, 2010

How much can I get for...

We constantly have people calling us to find out the trade value of a game. At my old store I didn't really mind doing it because we weren't very busy but at my new store, we are ALWAYS busy and there's ALWAYS someone who needs help. So it's really annoying when people call in wanting to know the trade value for 10 games. We usually just tell people to bring it in because the computer won't let us look it up unless it's in front of us. This is all lies. When I look up a used game, it tells me the current trade-in value. Usually I will say, "You're going to have to bring it in so we can look at the quality of the disc(s)" and if I can, I will look it up anyway and add, "but you're looking at around 10 dollars."

I had this one guy call in and ask me about the trade value of Halo Reach. I tell him he's looking around $20. The actual trade value was $23 but I rounded. The guy gives me the customary freak out about how we are robbing people bla bla bla. Then he goes, "well how much would I get for the Legendary Edition?" OK, maybe you're new at this trading in thing but we don't sell collector's editions used. We sell GOTY editions but that's it. So I tell him he'd get the same amount. The guys starts yelling and cussing at me. I just tell him, "Look I don't set the prices, if you would like our customer service number I can give that to you but otherwise there's nothing I can do." Dude hangs up on me.

Did I mention this was three days after the release of Halo Reach?