Friday, November 12, 2010

Random Customer Comment

Me: "Hi what can I do for you today?"
Customer: "I need to get Call of Duty: Black Ops."
Me: "Ok, did you reserve it?"
Customer: *Laughs* "...oh no."
Me: "What system did you want it for?"
Customer: "360, WHAT OTHER SYSTEMS ARE THERE?!" *laughs at his own fanboy comment*
Me: "Actually Black Ops is out for the PS3, PC, Wii and DS as well. The Xbox is not the center of the universe. That'll be $62.99."
Customer: *pays, grabs game and runs off*


DarkAvenger said...

Well... Some people lives in their own world... So do I, as well, sometimes... ;)

Hunterelf said...

lol !! owned !!!

Anonymous said...

nice, most places i've worked would never let me get away with talking to customers that way

Unknown said...

What's the starting pay with no experience?