How old do you have to be to work at GameStop?
In my area it's 17, you sell M rated games, you gotta be 17. I know some store managers who don't hire minors though.
How much will I earn working at GameStop?
If you're going to be a GA, you're going to make minimum wage! Whatever that may be in your state/province. SGAs usually make about $2 more per hour in my area, ASMs make about $3 more than SGAs and SMs don't get paid hourly, they make an annual salary.
What discounts do you get working at GameStop?
You can get a 15% discount on everything EXCEPT new game consoles. Used are fine but not new. Add the 10% you get off on used games and accessories with the Edge/Power Up card that adds up to %25. Not very much I know. I used to get 40% off working at American Eagle :/
How many hours can I expect to get working at GameStop?
Again, this changes depending on what store you are at. I've worked at stores and only got 6 hours a week, other stores want to give me 30. Most GAs will not get more than 12 hours a week except for around Christmas time, that can go up slightly.
I applied at GameStop, why didn't I get hired??
Look guys, we get about 3 applications a day. Most likely the store isn't hiring at the moment.
How can I increase my chances of getting hired at GameStop?
When you fill out the application please write neatly, in pen, don't make spelling errors, take your time. I know this sounds really basic but I see so many applications that are impossible to read, that have weird food stains on them and I've even seen someone misspell their high school's name. Also, when it says expected salary, don't write $9.00 an hour or something like that if you're applying to be a GA (Unless that's what minimum wage is where you live). Starting off, ALL GAs MAKE MINIMUM WAGE. If you want to make the big bucks, don't apply at GameStop. Also, where it says availability, don't put that you can only work 3-6 during the week. Most GAs will work from 5 to 9:30 on weekdays (depending on when the store actually closes, some close at 10 so then you stay until 10:30) and on weekends you will either get a 4-5 hour opening shift, midday shift or closing shift. Also, don't bring drugs to work. I can't believe I have to say that.
What can I expect working at GameStop?
As a GA, you will most likely start off by organizing the walls (MAKE SURE YOU KNOW YOUR ALPHABET GUYS SRSLY). Then when you get the hang of where everything is they might show you how to gut new and used games, how to print stickers and how to look up inventory. Eventually you'll start learning how the registers work, how to do trades, returns etc. You'll answer the phone occasionally. That's about all GAs do. SGAs will have to learn how to open and close the store, all the different counts that have to be done, how to do shipment, how to do marketing etc. ASMs do all that and work even more hours and they have a weekly conference call. SMs do all that as well and work even more hours than the ASMs. They also have to do inventory counts at different stores in the region.
What's the overtime pay look like?
Nonexistent since no one is allowed to go into overtime. SMs are salary so they can work as many hours as they want/are forced to. I've seen my SM work 70 hour weeks before.
What's the commission look like?
Again, nonexistent. We don't get paid commission though I wish we would, I know I'd try way harder to sell stuff.
Are there any health benefits stuff like that?
There's basic health, dental insurance and the like. I don't know too much about it since I'm still under my dad's excellent health care plan. GameStop's is very bare-bones I would avoid it. Also once you turn 21 they will hound you to get life insurance. HINT GAMESTOP STOP CALLING MY HOUSE
Wow, working at GameStop doesn't sound like very much fun, why should I work there?
If you can put up with the dumb customers and pushy corporate people, working here isn't too bad. I've met some of my best friends working at GameStop. You get to check out used games for four days. Small as it is, you do get a discount. You can also join retail loyalty websites: SONY, MICROSOFT, NINTENDO. I've only joined Sony's but I'm really happy with it. You take quizzes on upcoming titles to earn points which you can spend on games and accessories. I've gotten LittleBigPlanet GOTY, Uncharted and a new controller from them so far and I still have 30,000 points saved up. I've also gotten a bunch of freebies like the LittleBigPlanet Pirate pack and the water pack, all the extra Uncharted 2 GOTY content, extra God Of War: Ghost of Sparta content, Modnation Racers stuff etc. They also have insane quarterly giveaways: one time they gave away a PS3, a 46 inch Bravia TV and a mini fridge filled with Red Bull. Another time they gave away a PS3, a Move bundle pack, extra move and navigation controllers, a charging station and all the Move launch games. The best one was a PS3 and about 30 exclusive PS3 games, I can't remember all of them but I'm pretty sure it was every single exclusive that was out at the time, insane.
Any other questions? Let me know in the comments and I will answer them!
What knowledge should I acquire to get started at gamestop? (aside my ABC's)
I live in North Carolina and it says on the website that the minimum age is 16. What would be my chances of being hired at 16?
Slim to none really most gamestops are looking for 17 18 one because they can actually press charges If caught stealing they look at it from a business stand point. Also you would need work experience 16 most places do not hire well the retail jobs you will need experience in that for sure I got hired on the spot Im 18 I have experience in sales and damn good do build your way up
You said 17 was the age in your area. Does that mean it may differ by areas? Where would I go to find out? Could I work there at 16 and one of the other employees sell the M rated games.
Not very good since you are not aloud by las to get up on ladders and what not. I got mine when I was 16 as a holiday hire though so that would be your best bet. that and I am a Pretty girl :) they called me back and offered me a job the next year as a GA
How long does it usually take for gamestop to call you after you drop off the application?
Math! Especially math!!!! And the ABC part is serious always look at the first 2-3 letters before putting games on walls put original cases in front instead of make up cases!!!! Never have headphones in never on your phone!!!!! Amazing job so far!
Will it be easier on me if I like that kind of OCD crap and can't I just print out a resume?
There is a gamestop job fair in my town. What is the best way should I prepare my self for it?
I applied at gamestop about a month ago and I talked to gamestop I talked to the manager and he said he will call me back but he never called me back what should I do
how would i greet myself to a customer if i worked at gamestop ?
if check out a game do they count the day you checked it out the one I started working at told me only to days but sense I asked after a midnight release a sga mentioned extra day but idk if they given it to me and what could happen if I go over time allowed?
Welcome to gamestop how may I help you. Duh
To all you people asking about ages and all that; I applied to over 20 places when I was 16 and McDonald's was the only one that gave me a chance. Managers are looking to hire people with experience, so fast food would probably be the best place to start so you have experience with the register and stuff. Once you get a job and have been working for a while you can start looking elsewhere, managers will be more likely to hire you if you already have a job and have been working there for a while, this shows you are responsible and didn't get fired quickly. Also, if you already have a job and want to quit make sure you already have a new job before you quit your old one, especially if you are paying rent and all that. There's no guarantee you'll be hired anywhere and it's better to have a job that you hate and have a steady paycheck than to be jobless.
Keep going up there and keep calling
If I work at gamestop when do I get paid?
Are you allowed to have colored hair while working at gamestop? My hair is green
I'm 15 almost 16, I talked to the manager at my local gamestop. He said that once I turn 16 he'll get me an interview. I have an extremely high knowledge of tech and games, what are my chances of being hired?
Be polite, decently friendly, know how to count change and work a register, know that spaces count in the game titles for alphabetizing them. Discs don't go out on the wall so they don't get stolen. GameStop has a credit card now, and is moving toward active sales instead of passive sales. Having a little bit of sales skill and charisma goes a long, long way.
The ESRB rating isn't legally binding. You could sell M rated games at 16. That said, focus on getting good grades in school if you're still in high school (answering this for future readers, not op,) and come back when you graduate. During the holiday season this year, I hired one 17 year old because he had super good references, and he was the only one under 20 that I hired. Also, this is going to suck to hear, but being bilingual, a minority, or a girl will stack the odds in your favor. We can only hire so many greasy neckbeards before we no longer represent our customers' demographics. Also, being a fat, smelly, greasy neckbeard means there's a 99% chance that I would not hire you, as you're not terribly pleasant to be around for a few hours. I mention this because over half of my applicants this holiday season were this guy. Take a shower, look decent, and don't talk about anime porn in the interview. Seriously.
If they're hiring, only a couple days at most. If not, probably never. Resubmit an application when they're hiring. Late September is best to get a holiday job.
Friday, every other week.
Dress code is personalized to the store manager. I just hired a green haired girl because her knowledge of games is extensive and she's very charismatic.
If he told you he'd get you an interview, pretty good. We have very limited roster spots to work with, and interviewing people is usually boring and awkward, unless the interviewee is super charming.
Yes, the day you check it out is day one. It's not usually a big deal if you're late back with your "rental", but if it happened frequently I'd bar the employee from checking stuff out. That's a privilege, not a guaranteed right of the job.
So I have a quick question, today I found out I was short a certain amount, my manager took outside and said that it happens and I should just be ocd about it, and that my tens were mixed in with my twenties. Um ok but I wasn't the only one working on that cash register that day so why did I get the blame, also how does he know if I'm short or not? And he never told me what happens like if I get my cut that amount or if they found it. I am just going to let this roll off my back or whatever but I'm very confused by this.
I'm 21 and in college, working for gamestop would be great. I have an interview tomorrow, but I'm not sure if they want me if I should take it... The pay doesn't seem very promising, but I'm trying to find a new job at the moment because I'm not very happy with my current one... I'm not greedy, but I have to pay rent and my car payment... Is this going to benefit me down the road if I accept?
honestly id love working at gamestop
Why is it Gamestop has so many part time employees that seem to have little to no knowledge of games why not just replace those 3 part timers with 1 game savy full time worker. Looks bad when you're running a game store with non gamer employees.
I agree 100% and although my knowledge of games isn't too great, I'm going to apply
Don't complain if it wasn't you. They had to tell you because they had to tell someone about it. They most likely didn't really think you even did it. Shiz happens. It won't come out of your pay but an incident report might be filed. Not saying that you'll be in it. Just watch out from now on and you'll be fine.
I'm 15 turning 16 and I'm a boy and I have a 4-pack so I'm not a cute girl but I have my looks but anyways I know a lot about games and computera and I work at my grandpa car shop he is the owner and what would my chances be to get a Job at GameStop when I'm 17,18 and I want to work at GameStop since I always go there and it seems like a fun job
When hiring, does being an Eagle Scout taken into account? I'm 16 and wondering if this could help my chances
What if your 15, and your birthday is in the following month? Would they hold your application until you are of legal age?
I believe it would be dependant on your role in the program. I'm a Young Marine, who just turned 15, and held multiple roles, like: Outstanding Salesman, Outstanding Recuiter (this shows I can Communicate with people and lean them towards a product or intrest), Supply and Logistics Coordinator, and Paymaster Assistant. Would those benifit my chances?
If you were to get an interview what would the basic questions be.
If you are an sga/3rd key and you are opening the store and you arrive 15 minutes late, what are the consequences?
What are the chances of me getting hired If i got fired from a job thats called the food bank for walking home without letting them know
I stopped at my local GS since I hadn't been there for awhile and saw they were hiring for seasonal help. I figured I would give it a shot and apply since at my current job I have weekends off and could make a little extra pay and enjoy some of their benefits. Asked for an application filld it out in the store and got hired that day. The guy told me he had at least 30 applicants, but he had only called about 3 back since all the other applicants sucked. Needless to say I had 5 and half years of retail/customer service experience and that pretty much is what you need to work there even if it not as much as what I have. We had a good chat and he said a lot of people figure "Oh hey I play video games I would be a perfect GameStop employee." Yes, it is an advantage to have game knowledge, but what they are really looking for is people who can handle customers in a professional manner and not start a fight when they get mad at you. He also mentioned that even though it was seasonal work till March or so I had all the qualifications to get a full part time position, potentially even a management type position because he had one he needed to fill and said I was the best application he had seen to fill it. But that would all depend on if that position would be able to work with my current work schedule. So long story short the best way to get hired is have some sort of customer service experience and knowledge on games and systems new and old and you should be good.
What knowledge do I have to have to work at GameStop?
So, I currently work in retail at ShopRite. I've already worked there for over 3 months, but I already hate it. It's my first job, so I have no other work experience, but I haven't gotten a single complaint, only compliments on how pleasant I am to be around. I already work minimum wage and I get about 30 hours a week. Working in a supermarket deserves so much more than minimum wage. Hundreds of customers a day, most of whom are in shit moods (and take it out on you), no employee discount, no health benefits until you've worked a year, and even then it's just dental. More benefits require more years. Will I be able to match the hours I get at ShopRite if I work at GameStop? If so, will they be later hours? I also have college during the day, and my nearest GameStop is 45 minutes away by bus.
How late will you work on weekends and weekdays as an 18 y.o. student. I still work at Taco Bell and they've kept me till 11 on weekdays but I just want another job already. I've already got experience with a-hole customers.
How late will you work on weekends and weekdays as an 18 y.o. student. I still work at Taco Bell and they've kept me till 11 on weekdays but I just want another job already. I've already got experience with a-hole customers.
I'm 16 how much will I get for part_time at gamestop i'm also a gamer so if i worked there i would a great time
As of September 2015, you must be 18 years old.
SM is now Store Leader. Theven word manager is stricken from our vocabulary. Anywhere you seen manager is now leader.
As of September 2015, you must be 18 years old.
SM is now Store Leader. The word manager is stricken from our vocabulary. Anywhere you seen manager is now leader.
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